

[Resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control battle] General Manager Lei Zhen: Together with the children in the stomach, cast "armor" for medical staff

[Resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control battle] General Manager Lei Zhen: Together with the children in the stomach, cast "armor" for medical staff

     With the increasingly serious and complex situation of epidemic prevention and control, the demand for protective clothing, isolation clothing and other epidemic prevention materials has also greatly increased. In order to win this epidemic prevention and control battle, Lei Zhen, who is in Rokko, has been sticking to his job since the beginning of the year, and worked with his colleagues to work overtime to produce epidemic prevention materials.

 Nanning TECBOD (Xiamen) Medical Technology Co.,ltd is the only enterprise in Guangxi currently qualified for the production of disposable medical protective clothing. Lei Zhen is the general manager of the company. In the past, the company mainly focused on the production of reusable surgical gowns, surgical hole towels, surgical drapes and other medical soft device series. After the outbreak, the company immediately adjusted the production line to specialize in producing disposable medical protective clothing and disposable The daily output of medical isolation garments is about 2000 sets.

Lei Zhen, General Manager of Nanning TECBOD (Xiamen) Medical Technology Co.,ltd:
This time, we also got the full help of various departments, let us special affairs, quickly approved the medical device license, after getting this license, we can start the production of protective clothing and disposable isolation clothing Production is at full capacity, quality is the first, no matter how anxious I have to control the quality level before I can leave the warehouse!

     At present, Lei Zhen has hundreds of telephone calls every day. As the companys main person in charge, every batch of epidemic prevention materials must be strictly checked from production to deployment, and the work intensity has been increasing compared with the past. Sometimes I even forget that I am a pregnant woman who has been pregnant for more than 8 months and is about to give birth.

Lei Zhen, General Manager of Nanning TECBOD (Xiamen) Medical Technology Co.,ltd:
I work so busy every day, and I do n’t have so many dreams, because the phone is always on, and things never stop. Even at noon, I feel a little tired, and I get used to it slowly.

    Between work, feeling the movement of the child in the stomach is also a great encouragement and support for Lei Zhen.

Lei Zhen, General Manager of Nanning TECBOD (Xiamen) Medical Technology Co.,ltd:
I think this is also a very good prenatal education. I took him to do so much logistics work, and everyone will work together to do the logistics protection work for the medical staff who are struggling on the front line.

       Stand up at a critical moment, rush up, meet the difficulties, and brave the burden. As the company leader, Lei Zhens dedication and perseverance also greatly encouraged every colleague to firmly believe in this epidemic prevention and control battle.

Colleague Lei Zhen Wu Jingyan:
In such a severe epidemic situation, she can still stick to this position. Now for me, we do our job well, which is the best support for the frontline medical staff in the epidemic.
Colleague Lei Zhen Li Aiqing:
We are confident that we can work together to overcome this epidemic.

Lei Zhen, General Manager of Nanning TECBOD (Xiamen) Medical Technology Co.,ltd:

As the only company in Guangxi that produces medical protective clothing, all we can do is help them (medical staff) to build this "armor" so that they can go to the front line without worries and win this epidemic (control) battle !

Source: Nanning Headlines Client Laoyou.com

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